Born in the perfume industry, specialised in communication, strategy, international business development. I am passionated by perfection and luxury is for me tending to perfection. Founder of the Luxury Code and the New Luxury Movement, I give conference worldwide. Founder and Chairman of the International Perfume Foundation, I support all organisations and all brands willing to change and improve their quality to become a new luxury product. As branding needs communication, I am also involved in media and mostly digital media.
Founder New Luxury Code and New Luxury Award
Born in the perfume industry, specialised in communication, strategy, international business development. I am passionated by perfection and luxury is for me tending to perfection. Founder of the Luxury Code and the New Luxury Movement, I give conference worldwide. Founder and Chairman of the International Perfume Foundation, I support all organisations and all brands willing to change and improve their quality to become a new luxury product. As branding needs communication, I am also involved in media and mostly digital media.